O41 Ad Sales / Rate Sheet
We are now accepting advertisements for the OryCon 41 publications. The deadline for reserving ad space is September 30, 2019.
For more information and ordering contact adsales@orycon.org.
For submitting ad art files contact publications@orycon.org.
These are our ad rates for ads in the Souvenir Program Book for OryCon 41.
Fan/Non-Profit Rate
Premium Full Page (Inside Front Cover or Inside Back Cover) |
$300 |
$150 |
Full Page |
Half Page |
Quarter Page |
$45 |
Business Card |
$50 |
Our souvenir book has a limited number of color pages. All paid, full-page ads will be given priority placement within the color pages. Premium full page ads for the inside front and back cover are guaranteed to be printed in color and can be purchased at a special rate. Ad swaps with fan groups are available but placement within the color pages can not be guaranteed.
without bleed
with bleed (.125” bleed on each page edge, .5” page margin)
Full page
7.5”w x 10”h
8.75”w x 11.25”h
Half page (wide or tall)
wide 7.5”w x 4.5”h or
tall 3.25”w x 10″h
wide 8.75”w x 5.125”h or
tall 3.875”w x 11.25″h
Quarter page
3.25”w x 4.5”h
Business card
wide 3.5”w x 2”h or
tall 2”w x 3.5”h
Please send “ready-to-place” digital ad files to publications@orycon.org.
Ads may be submitted in TIFF or PDF formats with files flattened and all fonts embedded. The document (canvas) size must be the same as the ad size. All graphics should be CMYK color mode (no spot colors) at 300 dpi/ppi at 100% images size (with no crop marks).
Ad bleed preparation: Ads with a bleed should be created with an additional ⅛ inch trim allowance on all page edges (4 sides on full page ad, 3 sides on half page ad). The final trim on our publication is 8.5”w x 11”h with a 0.5” page margin.
POCKET PROGRAM AD RATES (Convention Participants Only)
OryCon is now offering limited ad space in our pocket program to Dealer's Room vendors, Art Show participants, Fan Table Groups, and Room Party Groups. Pocket program advertising is a great way to reach attendees; 1200 copies of this program guide are distributed to OryCon convention goers throughout the weekend. We have also created a coupon layout option for vendors interested in advertising special OryCon offers.
All ads will be printed in black & white. Space reservations are due by September 30, 2019. Contact adsales@orycon.org for purchasing space. Send ad art to publications@orycon.org.
Full Page: $20 (4.875"w x 3.75"h)
Half Page Ad & Coupon: $20 (Two ads 2.25"w x 3.75"h each. Ad and coupon will printed as front and back.)
Half Page Ad Only: $10 (2.25"w x 3.75"h)
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