

Page history last edited by Meredith 11 years, 2 months ago

As of 2013, we are using Clear (www.clear.com) for internal internet access rather than going through the hotel.


WiFi Policy (Statement for publications and info desk - edited 10/15 with latest info):

Free WiFi will be available in most OryCon event areas for basic web-browsing and online schedule use. Connection speeds and duration may vary based on location and current usage. Please be kind and disable automatic syncing during OryCon. Streaming video and large downloads will be disabled entirely to share the bandwidth as well as possible. Use the Hotel network for high bandwidth applications. The network in the Art Show and Dealers' Room is for vendors and Art Show only.


The hotel has complimentary WiFi in all of the guestrooms as of Sept 1, 2013. There is only an upgraded WiFi fee if you need an accelerated WiFi speed. To access this you can log in from the guestroom and the charges would be posted directly to the guestroom folio.



Locations (in the Doubletree Portland):

Dealers area (Exhibit Hall, Dealers' Liaison area) (covers dealers and art show, separate password for vendors)

Green Room

Business Center - room in the center

Outside Reg (Weidler) (desk next to the door)


Last box is a spare. Hospitality, or keep as a spare?


Spots that do not work:


Inside Reg (Weidler)

Near any Elevator

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