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Ad Sales Process

Page history last edited by Meredith 10 years ago

Ad Space Reservations & Publications

Regular communication regarding ad sales to the Publications department will help make layout of the publications run smooth and flag issues with page count early.  


Ad Sales should post regular updates of how many ads have been sold (or committed for trade) and what their sizes are. The earlier this information is shared the easier it is to arrange placeholders in the layout to work around. The wiki has a page where ad sales can be tracked. Pubs can “star/follow” the ad sales and get notified of updates automatically.


Once an ad purchased has been arranged, Pubs can collect the ad art from the advertisers. Ad Sales should include a contact email address of the advertiser with the information in the wiki. Ad Specs information is posted in the wiki and the OryCon website but Pubs can also help the advertisers/graphic artists with any technical questions they have about the ad art.


Two weeks after the ad space reservation deadline (~Oct 14th), Pubs will review the list of advertisers with Ad Sales and Treasurer to confirm that payment has been made. If anyone has not paid (or their check not cleared) Pubs will pull the ad from the Souvenir Book (or Pocket Program).


Ad Type Definitions


Self publish is Pro. The not-for-profit rate requires that you be part of a non-profit in the legal sense of the term.



Relates to a discount for OryCon membership. Need proof of membership. Need to define what is ok to advertise; e.g. an Orycon member could not advertise their tax services but could advertise their sci-fi/fantasy publications or fan group. 


Fan Table groups are likely to qualify for the fan/non-profit rate of advertising.


Note: Need a good definition of what kinds of groups do and do not qualify for fan tables. Do we have a nice, clear policy on fan vs. commercial used for fan tables vs. dealers tables that ad sales can steal for our own purposes?


Pocket Program Dealer's Ads

Offer applies to all Dealer's Room vendors.


Art Show? 


Fan Tables? 


Room Parties? - "I don't know whether or not it makes sense to send this to people throwing parties, so I'll trust your judgment on that. The new Pocket Program ads are targeted at those with something going on at the con and are very inexpensive.


Food Cart Vendors -  "include the food cart vendors as well, and also the hotel bar/restaurant/coffee shop and any other at-con vendor of any kind you can think of that might want to buy an ad, particularly the new coupon option. "


Placement Priority

Pubs will make room for all advertisers, however there could be priority placement if color pages are limited.

Priority for color pages is

full page, paid ad →

half page, paid ad →

full page, ad swap →

half page, ad swap →

quarter page.

Business card sized ads are nearly guaranteed to be printed in black and white. If further placement priority needs to be made then ads bought early will receive priority placement.


Advertising Space Available

Though the content flexes based on the amount of space and number of pages OryCon can afford to print, we should assume a minimum of 75% of the Souvenir Book pages need to be devoted solely to convention content (policies, bios, GoH information, etc.). Not all of that remaining 25% is for sale though: 2 pages are for exterior cover art, 6 pages are of ad swaps we've committed to other conventions, and ~2 pages have been committed to charities/organizations partnered with OSFCI.


(Based on O35 pages.)

56 page Souvenir Book * 25% = 14 pages of total available advertising

14 pages - 10 pages (6 ad swaps + 2 charities + 2 outside cover art) =  4 pages of suggested space available for selling ads.


(Based on O36 page count being quoted)

44 page Souvenir Book * 25% = 11 pages of total available advertising

11 pages - 10 pages (6 ad swaps + 2 charities + 2 outside cover art) =  1 page of suggested space available for selling ads.



1) The space available for selling ads is just a suggestion. Layout can be adjusted to accommodate more or less ads. The pricing of ads should cover adding 4 additional pages to the Souvenir Book if 3 pages worth of ads are sold.

2) Approx. 2.1 pages of advertising were sold for O35.



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